Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Update, 8:43pm

Ok, I've already dozed off twice.
Even though I really, really enjoyed Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and John C. Reilly...and that dance troupe is pretty cool, I do believe that this is the most boring. Oscars. EVER.

Didn't they used to sprinkle the technical and Shorts, etc. throughout the evening?
I mean, it's a quarter till 9 and we've only seen one major category: Best Supporting Actor. And upset Eddie Murphy, Alan Arkin did.


Emma said...

I know, he format is all catawampus. It's throwing me off. My dad did call and say he threw up at Al Gore because politics shouldn't be mentioned at the Oscars (hello!), and global warming is political because republicans don't agree with it.

I just moved An Inconvenient Truth up in our Blockbuster queue becaus I am so looking forward to having a movie weekend with my parents, complete with locked doors and hidden car keys.

JamyeO said...

Emma, is liveblogging too and they are much more entertaining!!

Emma said...

You know, I really prefer the liveblogging of The Fug Girls at